Secondary education

As you would like

Personalized Education

All students are unique

Personalized education promotes the growth of the person from a harmonious and global approach, adapting the pace of acquisition of skills to the peculiarities of each student. All students are unique, and for each of them we have a personal learning challenge.

Family schools

Attendis wants to be your trusted partner in education

The role of the family in education is one of the pillars of our Educational Project. We encourage the involvement of families through participation in work groups, personal interviews, workshops and family counseling sessions.

Christian Education

Transcendent meaning and orientation to good

Our educational project includes many of the teachings of Saint Josemaría, founder of Opus Dei, on the family, love for a job well done and concern for others. The Opus Dei Prelature advises our schools in their work of Christian formation. Priests spiritually minister parents, teachers, and students.

Character Education

Train whole people

Attendis' pedagogical commitment is an Educational Project that integrates all facets of the human being. Academic training is joined by learning the skills and competences that are the basis of happiness and personal fulfillment.

International mindset

Attendis schools try to provide their students with the necessary skills to function in an international context, to add value through the performance of their professional work and to contribute solutions to the problems in their environment.

Languages, digital competence and an open attitude towards other cultures are part of this global mentality.

Education at Attendis is bilingual in English and Spanish from 0 years until Baccalaureate. Preparation for the official Cambridge ESOL English certificate is included in the Primary and Secondary Education curriculum, with the aim that students complete their career in school with the Certificate in Advanced English, an accredited level of C1 according to the Framework Common European Reference for Languages, as all Attendis schools are Cambridge exam centers.

ESO Educación Secundaria Obligatoria Attendis24 Secondary education

Our educational project


Differentiated education is the form of school organization that personalizes teaching —with the same educational content and objectives— to the different learning styles of each sex and their different maturation rates.

one by one

This educational model is possible thanks to the counseling and personal development sessions that, at least once a month, the student maintains with his tutor teacher, to set concrete goals for academic and human growth together.


This stage presents a great emotional development in students, so it is necessary to teach them to value their own feelings and those of others, promoting relationships with others and the development of their own personality.


In ESO, a prominent role is given to teamwork, through the cooperative organization of classes. It fosters the development of personal strategies and the formation of a critical spirit, so that students acquire the ability to make their own decisions.


From 13 to 16 years, students gradually become autonomous, becoming protagonists of their learning, so it is necessary to promote personal strategies.

Responsible use
of technology

We take advantage of technological resources as one more learning resource. The integration of our schools with Google for Education provides us with a secure and versatile digital environment for the entire educational community: parents, teachers and students.


At this age, students begin to consider their academic and professional future, by studying their abilities and interests, it is possible to guide them and help them choose between the possibilities that are presented to them at the end of the stage.


Secondary Education It is a stage of great contrasts, where not only attention is paid to the development of intelligence, but also to physical and emotional development.

Our values

Our Human Training plan integrates the attributes of the International Baccalaureate Learning Community, which are aimed at training people with an international mind.

Attendis adds two attributes of its Educational Project:

We look beyond immediate and material circumstances.

We manage our conduct with an ethical sense, which seeks the common good of people and society. We avoid judging other people, striving to do good and promoting harmony, justice and peace.

Do you want to know more about us?


Información básica de Protección de Datos, según el Reglamento 2016/679, de 27 de abril, de 2016, y la Ley de Protección de Datos y Garantía de los Derechos Digitales 3/2018 de de Diciembre -LOPDGDD-:
Responsable del Tratamiento: Grupo Attendis, nombre comercial, formado por Centros Familiares de Enseñanza, S.A.; Proemasa, S.A y Ciudad Escolar Onubense, S.A.
Finalidad: Responder a su consulta, solicitud, sugerencia, enviarle información personalizada sobre cualquiera de nuestros colegios (servicios, eventos, cursos programas, promociones, noticias relevantes, entre otros).
Legitimación del tratamiento: Consentimiento del interesado.
Destinatario: Podrán cederse datos a cualquiera de las empresas del grupo Attendis. No se realizarán transferencias internacionales de datos.
Derechos: Tiene derecho de acceso, rectificación, portabilidad y supresión de los datos y derecho de limitación y oposición de su tratamiento, que podrá ejercer en cualquier momento y de forma gratuita, escribiendo a, con la referencia “protección de datos”.
Información adicional: Puede consultar la Política sobre Protección de Datos en Política de Privacidad”.