Attendis selects its teaching staff both for their pedagogical preparation and for their human qualities. Its more than 700 professionals undertake each day a commitment to educational excellence, family service and teamwork.
Being a teacher in Attendis implies being part of a unique collaborative work platform, which allows to carry out a wide variety of school and research projects among all the schools of the educational group.
The Department of Talent and Culture of Attendis collaborates with each one of the schools in the design of the formative itinerary of its professors, through sessions of work and updating of educational methods, attendance to courses and days, etc.
Attendis es una institución educativa que cuenta con 20 colegios y 13 Attendis Preschool en Andalucía y Extremadura. Sus centros educativos se distinguen por el protagonismo de la familia en la educación, la atención individualizada, la búsqueda de la excelencia académica y la transmisión de valores humanos y cristianos a sus alumnos y alumnas, como la solidaridad, el esfuerzo, la generosidad, el servicio a la sociedad, la búsqueda de la verdad y la libertad. Ocupan, además, un lugar prioritario el plurilingüismo, las nuevas tecnologías, y el deporte.