As you would like
Personalized Education
All students are unique
Family schools
Attendis wants to be your trusted partner in education
Christian Education
Transcendent meaning and orientation to good
Character Education
Train whole people
International mindset
Attendis schools try to provide their students with the necessary skills to function in an international context, to add value through the performance of their professional work and to contribute solutions to the problems in their environment.
Languages, digital competence and an open attitude towards other cultures are part of this global mentality.
Education at Attendis is bilingual in English and Spanish from 0 years until Baccalaureate. Preparation for the official Cambridge ESOL English certificate is included in the Primary and Secondary Education curriculum, with the aim that students complete their career in school with the Certificate in Advanced English, an accredited level of C1 according to the Framework Common European Reference for Languages, as all Attendis schools are Cambridge exam centers.
Our educational project
Protagonistof their future
AttendisUniversity Summit
Our values
Our Human Training plan integrates the attributes of the International Baccalaureate Learning Community, which are aimed at training people with an international mind.
Attendis adds two attributes of its Educational Project:
With transcendent meaning
We look beyond immediate and material circumstances.
Common good
We manage our conduct with an ethical sense, which seeks the common good of people and society. We avoid judging other people, striving to do good and promoting harmony, justice and peace.